Home in English


Hello, let's study together after this. I will write English as much as possible, but alone, it is not interesting, I need your help well. I studied in the United States. Although the first purpose was English, I found many things must to be challenged. I have tried and done various things. It became precious time to look and discover hidden possibility of myself, but I have not finished yet. I still continue to seek myself.  

I went to college. The college had many interesting classes and provided nice facilities.
Especially there were nice and unique faculties. I always appreciated and admired them to teach me various things not only their knowledge but also their life style. They always looked happy. It seemed as if they never get bored. I have thought that I have to find a joy in my daily life and enjoy as possible. How do you think your way of life? Are you satisfied? Besides human relations, health and property, what is important in your life?


Home in English

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